What is EVV (Electronic Visit...

What is EVV? If you are in the home healthcare business, chances are you’ve at least heard of EVV...

The EVV Deadline is Just Around the Corner

If you are in the home health business, chances are you’ve heard of EVV and have created a plan on...

CareTime Receives EVV Certification in Ohio

Home Health Software Company Processes More Than 12 Million Electronic Visit Verifications Annually

EVV and Implementation – What Has Gone...

What is EVV? EVV stands for Electronic Visit Verification. Essentially, it is a technology that...

Senate Passes Bill to Delay EVV...

The U.S. Senate just passed the bill introduced and already passed through the House of...

What You Need to Know About the CURES Act...

Before the end of President Barack Obama’s second term, he signed into legislation the 21st Century...