Guides & Templates to Get You Started

Growing your business doesn't have to be hard.

We've got you covered.

Check out our collection of resources so you can focus on providing quality care for your clients. 

CareTime - 12 Ways To Appreciate Your Caregivers Outside of National Caregivers Day

12 Ways To Appreciate Your Caregivers Outside of National Caregivers Day

We know it’s hard to gather caregivers together and celebrate their success as often as you would like. Bearing that in mind, we put together 12 ideas to keep your team appreciated and engaged.

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12 Ways To Appreciate Your Caregivers Outside of National Caregivers Day


The Magic Behind Caregiver Scheduling 

Your schedulers have one of the most important functions in the home care business as matchmakers. 

Maximize the impact of their efforts with this matching guide.

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The Magic Behind Caregiver Scheduling 


Client Emails Template: The Power of Follow-Up

It’s one set of skills to master the inquiry call, but the key to sealing the deal is in the follow-up. Increase your conversion rates by supporting your sales skills with compelling follow-up email cadences.

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Client Emails Template: The Power of Follow-Up